- Cancer-fighting
- Lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol)
- Reduce risk of heart disease
- Help control blood pressure
- Help normalize blood sugar
- Help with weight control
- Reduce inflammation
- Alkalize the body
- Protect against Alzheimer's
- Strengthen immune system
- Good for skin
- Increase brain activity
- Nutritive to overall nervous system
- Help protect cell membranes from damage
- Rich with antioxidants
- Protect against UV damage
- Contain an array of powerful flavonoids
- Boost energy
- Improve muscle function
- Reduce hunger
- Help prevent constipation
- Strengthen bones
- Help prevent gallstones
- Provide healthy fats
- Provide 6 grams protein per serving
- Provide 3.5 grams fiber per serving
- Very good source of vitamin E, manganese, biotin, and copper
- Good source of magnesium, molydenum, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and phosphorus